CyberData has become a leading SIP-enabled VoIP device provider for facility-wide communication, paging, and notification systems. Now, CyberData's portfolio is even better with the introduction of its notification and management platform called Terminus Cloud ControlTM.
This cloud-based controller service is designed to simplify emergency and non-emergency notifications, as well as the management, configuration, and monitoring of CyberData's SIP-based devices. In this article, we review this service, show how it works, and highlight its significant features and capabilities.
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Unified Communications,
Facility Management
Routing is a vital part of network operations, and employing it correctly is of utmost importance for any enterprise network.
In the context of networking, routing is the process by which data packets are directed to their final destination as they travel from node to node. There are many aspects of routing design that can affect general network traffic patterns and particular network services. UC and VoIP services can be adversely affected if routing design does not take into account their special characteristics.
This article examines various aspects of routing implementation to see how it can potentially affect real-time services. We also look at what specific design aspects you should consider to ensure the proper operation of such services.
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Network Design,
Unified Communications,
Internet Protocol,
Network Infrastructure
Network services such as voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), unified communications (UC), video conferencing, and collaboration systems are fundamentally dependent on the quality and robustness of the underlying network infrastructure. When deploying an enterprise network, it is crucial to implement sound network design principles to guarantee optimal performance, reliability, and scalability.
Various aspects of enterprise network design work together to achieve high levels of network performance. This article focuses specifically on quality of service (QoS) and some best practices associated with it.
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Network Security,
Network Design,
Unified Communications
DHCP is best known as the protocol that automatically assigns IP addresses to hosts that connect to a network. It is one of those protocols that we don’t often think about because it functions in the background — users are completely oblivious to its operation, just enjoying its convenience and flexibility.
However, DHCP is about more than automatic address allocation, especially for VoIP and UC devices such as IP phones and video terminals. In this article, we explore the operation of DHCP and the specialized options it provides for VoIP and UC applications, some of which you might not know about!
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Network Design,
Unified Communications,
Internet Protocol
The P-Series phone system is Yeastar’s flagship unified communications product, delivering state-of-the-art UC services to both on- and off-premises employees with the versatility of three installation modes.
It also integrates advanced contact center (CC) solutions right out of the box. The Yeastar P-Series helps businesses boost customer engagement while improving operational effectiveness within their workflows.
In this article, we showcase the deep CC integration in Yeastar's P-Series products and highlight the features that we found most impressive.
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Business Telephone System,
Product Review,
Unified Communications
The VOICE incentive policy is Yealink's 2024 new deal registration program. It offers additional discounts on quantity orders of specific Yealink telephone and wireless headset models. The discounts are substantial and depend on the number of units per order, the type of device being ordered, and the end customer's industry sector.
Here are the details.
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SIP Phones,
Business Telephone System,
Unified Communications
By leveraging multicast, organizations can optimize network bandwidth usage and support a larger number of concurrent users in video conferencing, multimedia broadcasting, and other similar scenarios. This makes multicast a key component of UC and VoIP solutions, offering a more efficient and cost-effective way to manage communications at scale.
In this article, we examine multicast communications in the context of networking, how it compares with unicast and broadcast communication, and practical steps for leveraging it on your network.
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Network Design,
Unified Communications,
Voice Protocols
The Yeastar Central Management (YCM) system is a comprehensive tool designed for the unified management of Yeastar-based networks, offering streamlined configuration, monitoring, and management of devices and services.
It simplifies the complexities of managing an extensive telecommunications infrastructure by providing a centralized platform for overseeing all connected Yeastar devices and services, enhancing efficiency and reliability.
In this article, we explore some of the benefits and advantages of this platform for channel partners.
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Unified Communications
For many people, the comfort and familiarity of the traditional desktop telephone are non-negotiable. There is something reassuring about holding a handset to your ear, speaking into the mouthpiece, and sometimes even fumbling playfully with the coiled cord.
Even so, current trends seem to indicate that the days of these traditional desk phones — even highly advanced voice over IP (VoIP) phones—are numbered.
In this article, we examine the rise of softphones and the decline of hardphones. We also explore the reasons for this trend and try to predict what you can expect in the coming years.
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SIP Phones,
Unified Communications
Security is an indispensable element of business communications systems, and Yeastar's telephony security features meet the elevated standards established by industry leaders.
In this article, we delve into various common attack vectors that now target telephony systems and showcase the significant security capabilities of Yeastar's P-Series IP PBX and P-Series Cloud Edition to deal with such issues.
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Network Security,