Routing is a vital part of network operations, and employing it correctly is of utmost importance for any enterprise network.
In the context of networking, routing is the process by which data packets are directed to their final destination as they travel from node to node. There are many aspects of routing design that can affect general network traffic patterns and particular network services. UC and VoIP services can be adversely affected if routing design does not take into account their special characteristics.
This article examines various aspects of routing implementation to see how it can potentially affect real-time services. We also look at what specific design aspects you should consider to ensure the proper operation of such services.
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Network Design,
Unified Communications,
Internet Protocol,
Network Infrastructure
Unified communications (UC) systems and services increasingly integrate into other network applications, enhancing their overall value and importance. This advancement of UC services impacts the level of complexity involved in their coordination, configuration, integration and operation.
Artificial intelligence (AI) in unified communications is exceptionally well suited to simplify this complexity by implementing smart processes and algorithms to manage these inherent intricacies.
In this article, we explore some of the practical applications of AI within UC, examining functionalities that some have already implemented and some capabilities that we expect in the near and not-so-near future.
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Network Security,
Unified Communications,
Dealing with voice network security and troubleshooting is an ongoing battle. As new features, capabilities and telecom products emerge, so do potential vulnerabilities and malicious users who may attempt to exploit them. Network and voice administrators must remain vigilant in ensuring security, privacy and confidentiality, which includes staying current with the latest in network troubleshooting and problem resolution.
This article is a review of the important security matters we’ve discussed over the past year, especially when it comes to network security and troubleshooting issues related to telecommunications services.
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Network Security,
Short videos answer dealers' most common tech support questions
We're excited to announce the launch of our video tutorials. These are brief, step-by-step product demos that take you through the processes that dealers most often call us about. We know through speaking with customers as well as industry research that most people prefer to self-help when possible. To facilitate this, we post all the videos on YouTube so people can easily find what they are looking for through a search on Google or YouTube.
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As we celebrate Shark Week this week, we are reminded of the proverbial sharks faced by network engineers in the form of security breaches and technical issues. TeleDynamics has created a collection of resources to help you troubleshoot audio problems, secure your network, protect your telephone system from hackers, analyze voice packets, and more. In this article, we offer a compilation of some of our most popular resources, so you’ll have them handy. For each listing below, click on the blue heading to read the full article.
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Business Telephone System,
Network Security,
While it doesn’t happen often, every once in a while you’ll come across an IP phone that simply won’t cooperate. You may have gone through every troubleshooting procedure that you can think of, but the phone continues to refuse to function correctly. You begin to consider the possibility of a defective phone, but before you invoke the manufacturer’s warranty, you want to be sure. Here we review the steps you can take to confirm, to a reasonably high degree, that the problem is indeed a defective device.
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SIP Phones,
If you are a voice network engineer, then it has probably happened to you. Your SIP server is all set up and you have plugged in your IP phone. Its lights come on, its screen is activated, you see the loading icon rotating, and then… nothing. For some reason, the phone will not register.
IP phone registration issues are, unfortunately, not uncommon. In this article, we examine the most common causes of registration failures, and best practices for troubleshooting and resolving them.
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SIP Phones,
Business Telephone System,
Voice Protocols,
Jitter is one of the most common causes of substandard voice communications over IP networks. This article provides an overview of jitter and how it influences voice applications, as well as methods for resolving it on your networks.
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Network Design,
Unified Communications
Wouldn’t it be great to have superhero X-ray vision that allows you to understand, in a single glance, what is going on with the voice traffic on your network? In fact, it is possible to do so using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). In this article, we take a look at this protocol and highlight the special features it has up its sleeve to help you with your VoIP monitoring needs.
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Voice Protocols
One of the best methods for troubleshooting problems on the network to pinpoint the cause of poor voice quality or a disruption of VoIP services is to capture voice packets in real time and store them so we can analyze them later. When people call TeleDynamics tech support, we sometimes ask them to show us their packet capture files so we can help identify the issue. In this article, we examine practical methods for capturing voice packets at various locations within the network.
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